Saturday, July 14, 2007

Saturday PM Update

Steve continues to improve this afternoon. His heart rate is down to 105. Breathing rate is under 20. The best thing of all is that he is able to speak in phrases for the first time in two days! Today's chest X-ray indicates that there is some improvement in his lung congestion. He is weaned off the oxygen mask and is using a nasal cannula instead. In spite of all the injections that might lower his blood pressure, including Lasix (a diuretic) and Demerol (a pain medicine), his blood pressure has held steady (now at 122/54). God is working wonders in a medically desparate situation!

Steve is currently getting 2 units of blood for transfusion. He is also receiving a drug called Neupogen, which should stimulate white blood cell production.

Steve still cannot take in any food. Though feeding through the G-tube resumed today, his digestive system seems to reject everything through diarrhea.

Prayer requests: Please continue to pray for improvement in his G-tube infection and other potential infections, white blood cell count, platelet count, internal hemorrhaging, and his nutritional needs. With inadequate protein in his blood, he will continue to leak fluids through his blood vessels. Also pray that all the congestions in his lungs will clear up. Thanks for your prayers.