Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wednesday 7/25 PM Update

After the shot of Demerol today around 12:30pm, Steve fell into a fitful sleep, in which he would open his eyes and even wave his arms, but he could not be wakened. The doctor believed this is due to the Demerol. However, compared to previous times, this semi-conscious state lasted far longer.

At 6pm, his blood sugar was measured at 40. Some dextrose was injected. Slowly Steve came out of his sleep. However, the coughs that plagued him this morning returned. Again, his heart rate is at 160, though his blood pressure looks normal. Currently we are looking for his primary physician. Steve is very weak and unable to communicate. His whole body is trembling due to the coughing fit. Please pray for relief and knowledge for the doctors to understand the cause.

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